2nd November 2013

With Alex, Tav and Jake.

After the excitement of last weekend’s new discovery a consolidation period. Last Sunday’s loose ends were cleared and then the task of making the approach into the chamber a bit more spacious progressed – a lot of spoil was shifted today and it’s all at the bottom of the entrance waiting to be hauled out! At the end of the session a quick excursion into the newly accessed chamber with Tav to plan the next move. Tried to open up the slot with a hammer but might have to resort to a different enlargement process. Still got a slightly better look at the prospects and they look good, it looks like the rift might have something to follow to one side and possibly down, the air was fresh rather than a draught but atmospheric conditions are at a balance at the moment.

Hunter’s of course!

On reflection Tav’s suggestion of ‘Trick or Treat?’ as a name for the new bit does fit rather well, so ‘Trick or Treat? it is.