1st March

Vince, Jake, Brockers, Nick, Jon, Mike, and Tav

First day of meteorological spring and it was glorious up at HR packing up some very dry bags in the sunshine.

A full team assembled for todays activities. At the NE extent (An Unexpected Development area), Jake was busy filling bags, I moved them away along with the occasional rock to the ramp where it was hauled up the slope by Brockers. It was wetter than expected and quite a large puddle of water had accrued at the bottom of the slope. A futile effort to bail it was soon abandoned. Tav moved the spoil across the chamber to the hump. After that I don’t know who did what except that Nick filled bags in Can of Worms (about 20). Anyway, the spoil found its way to the surface eventually.

At the NE extent, Jake was following what appeared to be a diminishing ‘rift’ trending approximately eastwards. He was just tidying away some loose material when a hole opened through a ‘false floor’ to reveal space beyond. Some ‘gardening’ was required, and some large lumps of rock and calcite were removed. It was interesting to note that a large lump of calcite flowstone contained within a detached stalagmite around which the flowstone was deposited. In an effort to reduce one boulder to more manageable pieces by Brockers only resulted in a broken lump hammer. The sledge was retrieved from elsewhere and the boulder succumbed! Soon a better look at the space ahead was possible, it measures about 1.2m wide x 1.2m length x 0.25m height and appears to trend downwards. Of course, there is a lot more sediment to be removed before we know whether this represents a significant development or not. But a change must be good!

All to soon it was time to stop digging and all hands to clearing the cave of spoil. About 85 bags had been filled, hauled, and emptied plus about 8 skip loads of rock ready for wall building. Good session!

To the Hunters’ for refreshments.

22nd February

Vince, Jake, Jon, Brockers, Mike, Nick, and guest Arthur Griffin

Arrived at site a little before the team. It was pleasantly warm in the sheltered sunshine so much better than last weekend. Added a couple of large rocks to the spoil heap wall before starting to pack the surprisingly dryish bags ready for refilling. The team arrived, the remaining bags packed, and underground we ventured – not to Can of Worms this time but to the NE extent, An Unexpected Development area.

Jon took the helm and led the way with Jake close behind, and they were soon filling bags. I hauled them up the slope passing the filled bags to Mike who carried them across the chamber to the ‘hump’ where Brockers took possession and transported the spoil to the bottom of the pot. Nick, meanwhile. Took Arthur for a tour of the cave as far as An Unexpected Development anyway, before they too joined the digging effort. Arthur took over from Jake while the rest of us then combined our efforts to shift the spoil through the cave to the surface where the bags were then emptied.

The count went somewhat awry after 68, but we agreed that at least 80 bags had been filled, hauled, and emptied. And, although still squalid underground, it was so much more pleasant than last weekend!

To the Hunters’ for refreshments as usual.

15th February

Vince, Jake, Jon, and Mike

Smaller team assembled today so options were left to ‘diggers prerogative’ – Mike chose ‘Can of Worms’!!!  

While Mike was left to get on with filling bags, the rest of us decided to shift the accumulated pile of rocks from the bottom of the pot to the entrance ready to be hauled out of the cave later with the first batch of filled bags. Conditions today meant two people were required on the surface for hauling. Jake returned underground, I stayed on the surface to add rocks to the spoil heap wall and empty the bags already on the surface before going back below. It was particularly cold, wet and miserable today both underground and on the surface, it was all rather squalid.

At about midday, a return to the surface to clear the next pile of bags and empty them (me and Jake). Jon stayed underground to help Mike move the last few bags to the entrance and these were hauled out to the surface. A total of 50 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied today, and quite a lot of rocks were added to the spoil heap wall. Very cold, wet, and miserable. Time for the Hunters’, some refreshment, and a warm by the fire!

8th February

Vince, Mike, Brockers, Jon, Jake, Tav

The bags were almost dry, which given the very gloomy weather, was a surprise. Anyway, all were packed ready to be refilled later. Time to head underground.

I was digging at the NE extent with assistance from Mike. The effort continued to excavate a route to the eastern side of the known passages in An Unexpected Development beyond the surveyed area. There are tantalising spaces ahead but all very small. Brockers was hauling the spoil up the slope before swapping with Jake, once again Jon was filling in wherever needed. Tav filled (10no.) bags in Can of Worms, where digging is reportedly “easy.”

The most difficult task is the movement of spoil through the cave to the surface. It is especially mucky in the cave at present due to the continuing damp weather. The surface soils are saturated resulting in an abundance of percolation water (drips) into the cave. Squalid at times!

At the end of the session, 80 bags had been filled, hauled, and emptied. The rocks remain at the bottom of the pot where they can stay until required for wall building.

Post-digging refreshments were taken at the Hunters’ Lodge in as usual.

1st February

Vince, Tav, Nick, Mike, Jake, and Jon

Bags packed ready to be refilled, all underground. Tav digging at the NE extent (beyond Trick or Treat in the An Unexpected Development area, ToT/AUD), I was clearing away the filled bags he generated, plus a few bags of my own (improving a skip route), and some rocks were moved. Hauling the spoil up the slope was initially done by Nick who then swapped places with Mike. Jake was busy filling a few bags from Can of Worms, and Jon was flitting around moving spoil when and wherever required on a busy morning. Spoil was also finding its way to the surface.

The recent rain during the past week meant that conditions in the cave had not improved much and it was as squalid as ever, a consequence of wetter winters. The digging continued and progress was made in both digs. As ever, and all to soon, it was time to clear the cave of spoil, todays total = 74 bags (10 from Can of Worms, CoW) were filled, hauled, and emptied this session.  

The digs, approximately 50m apart, at either end of the NE (beyond ToT/AUD)/SW(CoW) trending passage(s) were looking not without interest with some [small] enticing looking spaces waiting to be investigated further, and a lot of sediment to be removed. In CoW there is abundant root growth too, adding an organic aroma to the dig, and more dripping water. Happy days!

The session ended with lunchtime refreshments at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn as usual.

25th January

Vince, Jake, Tav, Nick, Jon, Brockers, and Mike

Replaced the surface hauling rope, packed bags ready to be refilled, time to get underground with a full squad assembled today!

Jake digging beyond Trick or Treat (or, nearer to An Unexpected Development, really) assisted by Tav. I hauled the spoil up the slope and handed it over to Nick who then moved it across the chamber to the hump, it was pulled over to the other side by Jon (initially). Mike was attending to things in Can of Worms aided by Brockers. The spoil was carried along to the bottom of the pot then on up to the entrance, and as the morning progressed, it was hauled out to the surface.

It is still rather mucky throughout the cave (except for the digs!). there was some discussion regarding prospects beyond Trick or Treat, but it was decided there is still plenty of digging to be done before we can fully understand what is going on. Cave passages never do what is ‘predicted’ and always more likely to do the unexpected!

As ever time moved swiftly, and the cave needed clearing of filled bags (the rocks are being stockpiled at the pot for removal on another day). Today’s total = 104 bags (about 30 from Can of Worms) were filled, hauled, and emptied (some more easily than others).

The session ended with a visit to the Hunters’ for the usual refreshments.

18th January

Vince, Jon, Jake, Nick, and Tav

Yesterday I had made a new hauling bucket and spare skip ready for putting into use at HR (thanks to the Wessex CC for drums). Got to the cave ahead of the team and proceeded to open the cave and pack the very dry bags to be filled again later. The team arrived.

Underground, Jon digging beyond Trick or Treat with Jake clearing the filled bags (and draining the pond), Tav dragged the skip up the slope, and I carried the spoil across the chamber to the hump and through to the other side. Meanwhile, Nick felt compelled to fill 10 bags from Can of Worms (as expected). It was rather squalid as usual. After completing his quota of bags, Nick joined the support team in the removal of spoil from Trick or Treat. The spoil first removed to the pot and, eventually, to the bottom of the entrance. Then back to clear the next pile that had accumulated. Surprisingly, a glance at the watch revealed it was now time to clear the spoil all the way to the surface. To this end digging had already ceased and all hands to bag dragging.

Out on the surface, a total of 76 bags (including 10 from Can of Worms) had been filled, hauled, and emptied this session. Emptying the bags was not always easy as the sediment they contained was, on occasion, sloppy and rather sticky requiring the bags to be turned inside out. Still, another good, productive session capped with visit to our favourite hostelry!

11th January

Vince, Jake, Jon, and Brockers

Arrived at the cave a little ahead of the team thinking that the lock might have frozen in the recent cold snap, it had not, so got on with packing the now ’freeze-dried’ bags ready for use underground later. About done when the rest of the team turned up. It seems a majority decision had been made that perhaps we might dig Can of Worms today in light of there being a smaller team and there was the “open space” noted last week. So, that’s what we did.

Brockers was digging, Jon and myself clearing along the ledge at the top of the pot, Jake at the entrance. When a suitable pile of bags had accumulated, Jake and I hauled them out to the surface and emptied them. Back underground to get the next lot of spoil, and so the morning progressed. Initially, it was slow going due to the constricted nature of the dig, as more space was created the rate of spoil removal and movement increased. Unfortunately, the “open space” did not develop further and is most likely the result of sediment settling over time, it is also very ‘rooty’. At the end of the session, 75 bags had been filled, hauled, and emptied, plus 3 skip loads of rock added to the soil heap wall. One bag was sacrificed underground to improve the skip hauling route, this bag not included in the final tally as it didn’t make it out of the cave! A good and productive session.

Refreshments were enjoyed, as usual, at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn.

4th January

Vince, Brockers, Jon, and Nick

After a senior moment and having to return home to get my forgotten helmet/light, assembled with the rest of the team at the farm and made our way across the field to the cave entrance.

Underground, I set off towards the dig beyond Trick or Treat (ToT), Brockers joined me, as did Nick very briefly until he succumbed to the desire to fill some bags in Can of Worms. Meanwhile, Jon had headed off to An Unexpected Development (AUD). I had only just started to fill bags beyond ToT when Jon arrived at AUD and a visual connection between the two areas was easily achieved. The gap, about 4m, 2m wide, and reaches about 0.5m in height, it looks ‘caveable’ but no attempt to achieve that objective was made, far too many fine formations and no point spoiling them, not worth the effort.

The formations in the gap between the dig beyond Trick or Treat and An Unexpected Development

That objective confirmed it was back to digging, Jon made his way around to join us. As I filled bags, Brockers cleared them away and when a suitable pile had accumulated the support team, comprising Brockers, Jon, and Nick, removed the spoil to the bottom of the entrance. I carried on digging. Time flew by and when Jon returned to clear the backlog it was approaching midday and digging was bought to a close. Took a few photos before leaving, a brief stop in Can of Worms to look at progress there as rumours were that it was looking a bit more interesting and indeed, amongst the proliferation of roots, there was a small space between the sediment and the cave ceiling. Then all hands to clearing the cave of spoil. A total of 56 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied. And it was still squalid!

To the Hunters’ Lodge Inn for some refreshments and a debrief. All good stuff!

28th December – End of play 2024?

Vince, Jon, Nick, and Jake

After packing the bags ready for refilling (they were not as soggy as anticipated) the team headed underground. Jon made a beeline to continue the digging beyond Trick or Treat and Jake took to digging in Can of Worms determined to fill ten bags there. I followed Jon to clear bags as they were filled, Nick hauled them away, across the chamber, to the ‘hump’. When Jake had completed his ten-bag quota, he joined Nick, and the bags were removed to the base of the pot. And so, the morning progressed until Jon found a hole. And it opened into something different…

With a bit more poking the ‘hole’ opened up and it was possible to stand-up and get a better view, peering into a low, very nicely decorated passage that appears to continue (~northwards). This is probably a connection into An Unexpected Development – although this needs to be confirmed, probably next session. Nick, rather aptly, described it as a ‘break-in’ rather than a ‘breakthrough’. It was interesting to note that the passage appears to continue in the general direction of the current dig (~northeast-easterly). Time will tell. All the team present today had a look and all were impressed.

Time was moving on and the loose material tidied away then all moved back to clear the accumulated spoil from the cave. About 70 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied onto the spoil heap. The recent damp weather resulted in a very slippery walk to the top of the spoil heap and the hauling rope needed constant cleaning.

As usual, refreshments were enjoyed at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn. A satisfying conclusion to the 2024 digging year

21st December – the shortest day!

Vince, Jake, Jon, and Nick

A bit of spoil heap tidying waiting for the others. Decided it wasn’t worth packing the very soggy bags on the line as there were plenty of drier bags available underground. It was a damp, miserable morning.

Underground beyond Trick or Treat it was rather squalid. Jake got on with digging assisted by Jon while me and Nick got the spoil back to the bottom of the pot. The drips appeared to get stronger as the morning progressed perhaps as surface water percolated through cracks and fissures in the rock into the cave passage(s) below.

Nick, of course, succumbed to temptation and just had to fill some bags in Can of Worms (5no. plastic). It was more of a token gesture really.

With a smaller team the bags were not getting beyond the pot so in good time it was decided to stop digging and get the spoil cleared from the cave. The rocks were left behind for another day. 60 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied onto the spoil heap this session. It was still raining and getting windy. Best head for the Hunters’ where it was warm and cosy!

14th December

Vince, Tav, Brockers, Jake, and Jon

A bit of tidying up of the spoil heap, packing ‘dried’ bags ready for refilling while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.

Underground beyond Trick or Treat, my turn to dig, Tav also did some digging while clearing filled bags, Brockers and Jake alternated positions moving spoil across the chamber over the ‘hump’ and along the passage to the bottom of the pot. Meanwhile, Jon was in Can of Worms where he filled the now obligatory 10 (plastic, on the premise, they cannot leave the cave empty!) bags before joining the support team to move spoil through the cave. Eventually, the bags found themselves at the bottom of the entrance ready for the next stage. As midday approached, digging was ceased and the emphasis shifted to clearing spoil from the cave. 80 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied today plus one rock for the wall.

Currently, beyond Trick or Treat, the dig has an excess of rock. A solid bedrock wall has been partially exposed, but it is hoped this is only a step in the roof level and the continuation of the ?passage is lower down. There appears to be a ‘false’ floor comprised of calcited conglomerate boulders that will need removing so digging downwards can be considered.

Refreshments as usual were taken at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn.

8th December

Vince, Jake, Nick, Brockers, and Tav

Digging was postponed yesterday due to Storm Darragh and a RED alert for very strong winds advised against travel. Unfortunately, due to power cuts Jon didn’t get the message regarding rearranged session.

Arrived at the cave ahead of the team to level off spoil heap and start packing the bags ready for use later.

Team assembled and quickly underground, where it was much warmer out of the still strong wind. Jake digging beyond Trick or Treat, I cleared away the filled bags, the bags then hauled up the slope by Tav who then with Nick moved the spoil along to the bottom of the pot. Brockers was occupied in Can of Worms until there were bags to be shifted. And so, the morning progressed, the bags eventually arrived at the bottom of the entrance ready for moving up to the surface. It was significantly more squalid in the Trick or Treat area than the rest of the cave accessed today. When the time arrived, all hands were focussed on clearing spoil from the cave to the surface. 74 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied.

To the Hunters’ for refreshments as usual.

30th November

Vince, Jon, Jake, Nick, and Tav

Another earlier start at the cave entrance to continue with some wall-building. Added all available rock to the western spoil heap wall creating more dumping space. Just about finished as the team arrived.

Underground, Jon digging beyond Trick or Treat with Jake lending assistance, me and Nick provided support to the diggers moving filled bags and very occasionally rocks along to the pot. Tav opted for a self-supported dig in Can of Worms before deciding to join in with the spoil clearance and stuff was moved to the bottom of the entrance.

It was all a bit squalid (except for the dig beyond Trick or Treat) which was a bit of a surprise as it has not rained heavily for a few days.

Upfront, Jon had hit on a rich seam of sediment and the bags flowed freely through the cave at a good rate. Around midday digging activity ceased and all hands to removing the spoil out to the surface. 93 bags filled, hauled, and emptied plus a few token rocks.

A good, productive session with a smaller team. Refreshments were enjoyed at the Hunters’

23rd November

Vince Brockers, Jake, Jon, Nick, and Mike

Got on with some wall building (surface) until the team arrived – wanted to create some space for spoil dumping.

Underground, Brockers digging beyond Trick or Treat aided by Jon. Jake cleared pulled the spoil up the slope, and across the chamber to the ‘hump’ where it was hauled over by Mike, I dragged the skip through and carried the filled bags (and very occasional rocks) along to the base of the pot. Nick was happily digging away in Can of Worms, lending a hand with spoil removal whenever requested. A cross-rift has been encountered in CoW and Nick was keen to develop this further.

When a suitable pile of bags (c. 20-30) had amassed the ‘support’ team shifted position and the spoil was hauled up to the surface. Then, all returned to their previous positions, there was a backlog at the dig that needed to be cleared. Another haul out to surface ensued. This time, Nick remained on the surface to start emptying bags. As more bags reached the surface, others followed the bags to the surface and helped to empty them. Today’s total c.90 bags filled, hauled, and emptied plus some rocks. A good productive session, and time for the Hunters’

Below is the presentation prepared for the 2024 Digging Awards at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn on the evening Saturday 23rd November. The award went to the Gibbet’s Brow team (355m) SMCC. Well done to them!

16th November

Vince, Brockers, Jon, Jake, Nick, and Tav

Early to the cave to get to work with plugs and feathers, beyond Trick or Treat, to reduce another large boulder extracted by Jake last weekend. Just packing kit away as the team arrived. Rocks were hauled up and out of the way, then digging was underway. I was at the dig face loosening the sediment with Brockers filling bags and loading the skip which was hauled away by Jon. He then moved spoil across the chamber to the hump, Tav on the other side pulled the skip across and transferred the load to the next skip. Not entirely sure who did what beyond that except to say spoil was moved by Jake and/or Nick probably to the pot, and digging was happening in Can of Worms too. In addition, at some stage spoil was moved out to the surface.

Beyond Trick or Treat digging the ‘bones by-pass’ continued until just after midday when it was time to clear spoil from the cave and empty the bags. Today’s total was 67 bags filled, hauled, and emptied plus about 10 skip loads of rock added to the wall building stockpile.

News from Can of Worms of a cross-rift being encountered which sounds interesting. Also, in response to Jon’s mishap with mud-splatter in the eye, Jake had made-up and positioned eye-wash tubs at the vertical hauling points.

Refreshments were enjoyed at the Hunters’

9th November

Vince, Jake, Mike, Jon, Nick, and Tav

Another early start for some more ’rock-bothering’ beyond Trick or Treat. Took a couple of hefty chunks of the still rather large conglomerate boulder in the current dig face before the team arrived. On arrival, Jake continued to dig the ‘bone by-pass’ (after I’d packed my kit away, of course) to the left of the obstructing boulder. Mike hauled the spoil up the slope, I carried it across the chamber to the hump where it was pulled over to the other side by Jon, Tav moved the spoil along to the bottom of the pot. Nick was probably opening a Can of Worms. As usual, when a suitable pile of spoil had accumulated the support team moves back to get it shifted out to the surface (this was repeated a couple of times or so). At the close of the digging session, Jake lifted the ‘protective’ board covering the potential bone-bearing deposit to carefully clear away some of the slop.

Today’s count was 50 bags filled, hauled, and emptied and a rather large pile of rocks moved up to the surface and awaiting addition to the spoil heap wall wherever required. It was time to make our way to the Hunters’ for some refreshment.

2nd November

Vince, Nick, Jake, Brockers, Jon, Tav, and Nick Gymer (BEC)

Early at the cave to finish what I had started – more ‘rock bothering’. The boulders in the chamber (Trick or Treat) were reduced to manageable lumps with plugs and feathers. NOTE: Hilti cross-cut drill bits are not fit for purpose – they are expensive crap! Yet again a cutting tip has sheared off! Better off buying cheaper drill bits from local builders merchants.

The team arrived, Nick headed beyond Trick or Treat to continue digging to the left of, and around the large boulder avoiding the bone-bearing deposit(s), Jake hauled the filled bags up the slope and tossed them to the edge of the chamber. Once I had packed kit away, I carried the spoil across the chamber to the hump where it was pulled over to the other side by Brockers. Jon moved the spoil along to the bottom of the pot. Tav took Nick Gymer on a tourist trip around the cave (but not to the Gnarly North!) before they joined in with the digging effort. Nick G. took over from me and Tav perched up on the ledge. While hauling spoil up to the ledge Jon managed to fill an eye with mud and was thus incapacitated and needed to leave the cave (blindly) to find some clean water to flush out the mud.

With the combined efforts of the support team spoil was moved through the cave to the surface. Just after midday digging was ceased although there was some hesitancy involved form the digging front and miscounting of the number of remaining bags to come. Eventually, all the bags were hauled out of the cave and emptied on to the spoil heap – 70, in total. The rocks were left behind in the cave for another day. Jon had sorted out the eye problem and, rather ‘red-eyed’, rejoined us on the surface but was far too clean to empty bags.

To the Hunters’

30th October


Packed all the kit required to go ‘rock bothering’ (drill, plugs and feathers, lump hammer, chisel), loaded Kangoo, and over the hill to Hallowe’en Rift.

Underground quickly along to Trick or Treat to satisfy my curiosity and expand the hole in the roof. It was awkward but, eventually, I was able to peer in – not sure it was worth the effort as the continuation is still constricted and to go any further would require more aggressive techniques – not really sure there would be much to gain. Leave it! With the remaining battery power set about reducing a couple of large boulders left in the chamber that have proved reluctant to succumb to sledgehammer blows. Anyway, one was reduced to manageable lumps and now suitable for wall building, just started on the second boulder before batteries were flat. Packed kit away and made my way to the surface.

On the surface, added a few rocks (from last weekend) to the spoil heap wall and then made way back to the farm and back home.

26th October

Vince, Tav, Nick, Mike, Jake, and Jon

Got to the cave early to continue taking lumps of the conglomerate boulder with plugs and feathers until the team arrived. Packed away kit and left Tav to get on with digging. The next plan was to satisfy my curiosity regarding the ‘high-level hole’ in Trick or Treat. Mike wasn’t quite so keen on this idea as mud and stuff ‘rained’ down on him. I retreated and suggested that Nick might want a look (thereby shifting the blame) and left him to it. Stuff was still ‘raining’ down on Mike, but he moved and bagged up Nick’s spoil. Eventually, Nick decided that other methods would be required. I transported filled bags across Trick or Treat  to the hump where they were hauled away by Jake, Jon at the downside of the ramp then transported spoil to the bottom of the pot. Jake, Jon, and me then moved the spoil up out of the pot to the bottom of the entrance, that done I went back for more spoil while Jake and Jon hauled stuff up to the surface. And that’s how the rest of the session progressed until it was time that thoughts turned towards the pub. Finally, 56 bags filled, hauled, and emptied plus about 10 loads of rocks waiting to be added to the spoil heap wall (another day). Refreshments were enjoyed at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn!

24th October 2024


A trip to have a look at some things and to check on water levels.

From the entrance headed along to Merlin’s area, into An Emotional Journey and through to the current dig, bypassing Toil and Trouble. All along the route was abundant calcite precipitation over recently excavated sediments, evidence for the super-saturated water percolating from the soil above. At the dig, water levels had fallen from last weekends high and should be okay for digging on Saturday. While in the area had another look at the high-level hole in Trick or Treat area. Moved a ladder into position to get a closer look but the view is obstructed and will require some attention to remove, possibly plugs and feathers will work. Tried hammering but couldn’t get a decent swing. Left the dig area and followed the more usual route back to the pot. I stopped to take photographs of some tracks in the sediment where a pool had once been – probably the newt seen last visit.

Tracks in the mud!

Out to the surface. Returned home to wash kit and git it dried for the weekend.

19th October

Vince, Nick, Brockers, Jake, Jon, and Tav

My plan was to get to the cave early, drill boulder and reduce with plugs and feathers, and place some thick plastic strips (from warehouse-type access) over the ‘bone’ bearing deposit for protection while overburden is removed. It almost went to plan!

At the cave early but once underground it was immediately obvious the cave was exceedingly wet. There was a small stream flowing out of the Merlin’s area to the pot, and another stream flowing from the NE passage in the Soft South also into the pot. Throughout the accessed cave there was a continuous drip of water from the walls/roof with standing water and deeper pools, one of the pools occupied by a palmate newt. Up the NE passage, over the hump, wade through the deep pool in Trick or Treat and up, over and descent to the current dig where, disappointingly, a deep pool had formed – the bone-bearing deposit mostly under water! No digging was going to be possible here today. I’d dragged the drill/plugs and feathers this far so partially reduced the obstinate boulder until battery power was all used up. The team had arrived, a discussion took place, and digging was moved back to Can of Worms for today. I stayed for a little longer to get the protection in place in the SE ‘alcove’ area.

The stockpile of rocks had been removed to the surface, so I followed them out to join Jake. The rest of the team digging in Can of Worms. On the surface walls were constructed, bags were emptied, and it was pleasantly warm in the sunshine, a contrast to the deluge of the morning’s earlier hours!

25 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied (progress is not so easy in Can of Worms) plus 25 loads of rocks added to the spoil heap wall(s). All done, time to leave, and get some refreshment at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn, a bit earlier than usual.

12th October

Vince, Brockers, Jake, Jon, and Tav

As expected beyond Trick or Treat it was wet after last week’s rain. The digging effort was concentrated on the north side pf the passage to bypass the ‘bone bearing’ deposit(s) and working around a substantial boulder of conglomerate. The fill continues to comprise finer red and grey silt/clay overlying fragmented and partially degrading calcite with sand. There does not appear to be any faunal materials in this area (we will still be careful). The boulder is proving to be rather stubborn and refusing to succumb to our concerted attention. The bar bends rather than the boulder moves! More determined mechanical techniques will be required, i.e. plugs and feathers to reduce its bulk, however, that’s a job for next week.

Today, 66 bags were filled, hauled, and added to the spoil heap, plus a good quantity of rock being moved part way through the cave to be removed to the surface at another day.

Refreshments were enjoyed at the Hunters’ as usual.

5th October

Just me

It turned out that today the team had fallen by the wayside for a variety of reasons – no matter there was still plenty for me to get on with.

Underground it was still very damp beyond Trick or Treat. Made the decision to remove the stalagmite (it was loose anyway) to enable the area to be taken down to a level c.0.75m below the roof (1◊) in the SE ‘alcove’ area. More faunal remains were recovered. After a couple of hours lying in the damp, I needed to answer a call of nature so packed away the kit and samples and made for the surface.

Relieved. There were several loose stones that had been hauled out previously that I could not resist adding to the spoil heap wall. It was pleasantly sunny and sheltered at the cave.

3rd October

Vince, Roz

Following recent rain, it was soggy underground beyond Trick or Treat and difficult digging conditions. Nothing to be done but to get on with it and do the best that could be done. Spent a couple of hours or so carefully digging in the SE ‘alcove’ beyond Trick or Treat and recovered quite a few more identifiable elements and fragments including left scaphoid, phalanges, vertebra, and occlusal surface of molar. All finds were bagged and tagged, packaged for removal and cleaning/drying back at home later.

Digging in the SE ‘Alcove’ video by Roz 3rd October 2024

28th September

Vince, Tav, and Jake

Down on numbers this weekend due to a variety of reasons – no matter always plenty of stuff to do. Arrived early today to get on with the excavation in the SE ‘alcove’ to clear around and expose any faunal remains so they can be recorded and recovered. After the recent heavy, persistent rain underground conditions were not ideal for fiddly excavation with small wood tools. Still, it is unlikely to improve through the autumn months. Slowly worked away carefully removing sediment and filling bags. Some smaller elements were recovered (including mandible fragment with dentition, phalanges, Ursus arctos). Tav and Jake arrived and cleared the small accumulation of spoil before Tav continued to work on the north side of the current dig site (BTOT). When about 20 bags had been amassed, Jake and Tav decided to get them out to the surface (but not emptied) while I carried on with excavation. As time approached midday digging was curtailed, and the last few bags were removed from the cave. Today 35 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied. Underground Jake has created another pile of rocks to be removed at another time when there is a bigger team.

Digging done, time to take some refreshment at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn as usual.

21st September

Report by Jon

“Jon, Jake, Paul and Nick turned up at the farm at the appointed hour. Jon remembered the key; Jake took responsibility for it.

Underground, Jake took the lead, digging to the left of the boulder at the current end. Care was taken to ensure that any bones were not missed; none were seen.  It was reported that the way ahead to the left appears to be somewhat low in height. Jon worked at the back, moving spoil bags from the chamber to the main haul point. Nick and Paul worked in between, improving the infrastructure (my heart sinks a little when reference is made to “Nick…improving the infrastructure!”) There were no time devices underground. Jon and Jake raised the issue of time within a few minutes of each other; the Team then departed.  Hauling was very efficiently done. 45 bags of spoil were removed.

Jake returned the key to its rightful place. The Team then retired to a local hostelry for light refreshments.”

14th September

Vince, Jon, Jake, Nick, and Brockers

Arrived at the farm early and, so too did Brockers and Jake. Not so far behind were Jon and Nick. Underground beyond Trick or Treat before digging got underway, a discussion (an ‘induction’ if using Brockers’ terminology) regarding the best way to excavate around the faunal remains and a strategy for recording.

That done I was left to dig in the SE alcove while the rest of the team removed  the bags I had accumulated through the week (Monday to Wednesday) and a pile of rocks stacked further back in the cave. While I was slowly trowelling away a rethink about and suggested to Jon that careful digging along the N side (avoiding the potential ‘bone bearing’ deposit) might be achievable, and so it was. The morning progressed and all were busy. At around 12:15, digging was ceased, the area tidied, kit packed away, and the cave cleared of spoil. Today’s count was 55 bags filled, hauled, and emptied plus an estimated 5no. skip loads of rock.

Refreshment was, of course, taken at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn.

7th September

Vince, Jake, Nick, and Will (?)

Got the wheels back from the garage so set off for an early start. It has been quite wet for the last few days so wanted to see what (if any) effect this might have at the current dig site (and bone deposit). At the farm tarried a while to have a chat with the farmer.

Underground, it was evident that water had been flowing down from the entrance into the pot. It was surprising that there was not a pool of water at the bottom of the pot although the buckets were full (water is used to lubricate the skip hauls). The NE passage was mostly free from dripping water, however, in the chamber (Trick or Treat) there were pools of standing water and pronounced drips throughout this section to the E dig. The question is does this suggest a sediment-filled route to the surface allowing faster ingress of surface water? Also, of concern is at the SE alcove there was dripping water. Started to tidy around last weeks digging to better expose the calcite layer and potential ‘bone-bearing’ deposits.

It wasn’t long before the team arrived. A discussion with Will to explain what was going on here and then continued to clear around the dig face. Will clearing away the filled bags to Nick and Jake, who proceeded to shift the spoil back through the cave. Digging was a slower process today so some of the bags were moved back towards the entrance. At the dig face more small fragments of bone were recovered and a ‘tiny’ phalanx.

At around midday digging was wrapped up and the cave cleared of spoil. A total of 33 bags filled, hauled, and emptied. Time to go to the Hunters’ Lodge Inn for some refreshments.

31st August

Vince, Nick, Brockers, Mike, and Jake

Had planned to get to HR early but a few mishaps put paid to the best of plans. The car wouldn’t start, the alternative vehicle – the key battery was flat so had to find a replacement battery, eventually got to the farm to find I had forgotten my caving helmet so had to go back home and get it. Finally arrived at the farm to find the rest of the team were already changed and were up at HR.

Underground, at last! Went up to the dig to have a chat with Nick (who was digging), tarried a while and cleared a few bags back to Brockers before making my way towards the back of the queue. Brockers continued to clear away bags of spoil from Nick, Mike moved the filled bags across the chamber in Trick or Treat to the ‘hump’ where I hauled them over and transferred the bag to Jake at the bottom of the ramp, he then moved the bags along to the bottom of the pot. When a suitable pile of around 20 – 30 bags had amassed in the pot I moved back with Jake to get the spoil up on to the ledge. Then returned to our original positions to do it all again. As midday approached, we made another move back to start moving the filled bags up to the entrance and out of the cave to the surface. Soon digging activities were curtailed and bags were emptied, 63 of them in total.

Hunters’ Lodge Inn for refreshments as usual.

29th August:

Vince and Tav

A quick trip to the Soft South to tidy up the survey to the current dig(s) beyond Trick or Treat and Can of Worms. Survey was later annotated to show various points of interest.

24th August

Vince, Nick, Jake, Jon, and Brockers

Another early start to drag a couple of 1.2m x 0.6m sheets of 6mm plyboard to the current end of the cave beyond Trick or Treat. The purpose was cover over the potential ‘bone’ layer to allow further removal of overburden. Nearly finished as the team arrived. Then ensued a brief discourse regarding strategy and for future plans to excavate the ‘bone’ layer (once more is exposed).

Annotated composite image of SW facing section in the SE side passage/alcove

All good, I set off to the back of the queue, Jake got on with digging, Nick clearing (?) spoil away, Jon transported the spoil across the chamber to the hump, and Brockers dragged it over. I was at the bottom of the ramp hauling the spoil from Brockers and carried it along to the bottom of the pot. Every now and then Brockers came along and together we hauled the spoil to the top of the pot and onto the ledge.

Midday came and digging was ceased to clear out the cave. In total, 73 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied on to the heap. It had been raining quite a lot and it was now very slippery and mucky!

Refreshments were enjoyed by most at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn.

22nd August


Spent the morning continuing to clean around and recover faunal remains in the SE side passage/alcove at the current end of the cave beyond Trick or Treat. Some nice finds too including bear canine, more phalanges (also bear), and many more bone fragments. Excavation can be frustrating at times especially as some of the bones are so fragile requiring some careful digging using wooden (clay modelling) tools. Some remains are mineralised, some are quite abraded perhaps suggesting some turbulent flow has affected the remains (at some time!)

Adult bear (Ursus arctos) canine tooth (identification of species confirmed by Professor Danielle Schreve (University of Bristol) 23/08/2024

18th August

Faunal remains within ‘false’ floor and overlain by considerable thickness of finer laminated sediments. Photo taken 18th August 2024


Spent a very peaceful couple of hours or so cleaning area around faunal remains and defining section of sediment deposition overlying the remains. Photographed, faunal remains left in situ for the time being as there is more cleaning required to fully expose potential accumulation of ‘bones’.

17th August

Vince, Mike, Jake, and Jon

Went to the cave earlier again to take some sediment samples from the north facing section beyond Trick or Treat that had been cleaned and recorded last weekend. Before venturing underground, I had a quick scan of the spoil heap (rained in the previous week) and recovered a few more bone fragments.

South facing section, beyond Trick or Treat (Scale = 0.2m). Composite image created 18th August 2024

 Before I had finished sampling the team arrived and they waited while I took the last sample, some photographs taken, recording done, kit was packed away (more detailed sediment descriptions can be done at home). To make up for the delay both me and Mike set about digging – Mike concentrated straight ahead going east, I was in the southeast side passage/alcove. There I was happily loosening sediment and filling bags when I glanced down to spot more bone fragments. At the base of the finer, grey and red banded/laminated sediments is a thin layer of red brown clay overlying a calcite ‘false’ floor, slightly degraded. Peeling away the thin upper ‘crust’ of the floor revealed a small accumulation of bone fragments in amongst fractured flowstone lumps. The bones are fragmentary, abraded, and mineralised; some elements were identified as phalanges, other fragments might be identifiable when cleaned and closer inspection possible. A sample of faunal remains has been bagged and tagged for further study.

 As the session was coming to its conclusion, more bones were revealed. These were left in situ as further excavation and cleaning will be required. The team all moved back to clear the cave of spoil. At the end of the morning session about 60 bags had been filled, hauled, and emptied. There is a small pile of rocks beginning to accumulate underground, these will be removed when a larger team is available.

 Refreshments were enjoyed at the Hunters’ Lodge Inn as usual.

10th August

Vince, Jon, Jake, and Brockers

Went to the cave early to carry up the ‘new’ skips and to tidy up the mess I had left on Thursday. Replaced the skip between the top of the pot and the entrance as that was in an especially ‘sorry state’. I wondered if the team would realise there were ‘fresh’ skips as there was an aroma now pervading the cave in this area anyway! All done I made my way to the dig beyond Trick or Treat (ToT) where I bagged the loose sediment after sifting through it and picking out a few more bone fragments. Some more photos were taken including the cleaned N facing section and bone location, and a bearing of passage direction (dig(s) trending towards east and southeast).

Annotated survey 10th August 2024

The area where the faunal remains appear to be more frequent was covered over with plastic bags and fixed into place with some long plastic tent pegs. Digging could then continue so I swapped place with Jon (the team had arrived, and they had noticed the ‘fresh’ skips!). Jon got on with digging, I hauled away the bags and passed them back to Jake. He carried them across the chamber to Brockers on the other side of the hump. Brockers transported the bags along to the pot. When time allowed Jake went with Brockers to get the filled bags up on to the ledge.

Digging activity was ceased at about midday to get the bags out of the cave and up to the surface where they could be emptied – 53 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied today. More bone fragments were recovered from the spoil heap. Bags empty and hung up, it was time to depart, get changed, and reconvene at the Hunters’ for refreshments.

8th August


It was a damp day forecast so decided time would be best served underground so got my stuff together and set off for HR. my plan to clean and record a stratigraphic section in the passage beyond Trick or Treat just before the current dig location(s). arrived at the farm, changed quickly and walked up to the cave. Opened the gate and ventured into the passages below.

Once beyond Trick or Treat laid out my kit, decided on a suitable stratigraphic section (NW facing) and proceeded to clean and tidy the section prior to recording. While cleaning the loose sediment from the ‘floor’ of the passage I spotted something of interest, a small object that appeared to look like a ‘bone’ and indeed it was. How good was that!

NW facing section along passage approaching current dig beyond Trick or Treat, 08/08/24

When my excitement died down, I took some photographs of the cleaned section and then drew the section. The drawing looks okay but I might also annotate one of the images in ‘Noteshelf’ to get a better idea of the colours and finer layering.

Phalanx (c.3.5 cm length) found while cleaning loose sediment from ‘floor’ of passage above, 08/08/24

Once the recording was done, I decided to take a closer look at the dig face(s). It was during the closer scrutiny that I noticed some more fragmentary faunal remains low down in the sediment, amongst fractured calcite flowstone, the sediment in this location is slightly silty sand. Some of the bone fragments are covered with a layer of calcite and all are ‘fossilised’. Among the fragments a partial vertebra was seen but not identified to species. It is possible that more faunal remains are still to be found but the area requires quite a bit of tidying up before a proper investigation can proceed. There is a significant overburden of sediment, c.0.7m thickness, that requires removal beforehand. The ‘bone’ area can be covered over while excavation takes place.

Well, I’m dumbfounded really, it’s been years since finding any faunal remains in HR, Brockers goes to the front, makes a comment, and what do you get!

Partial vertebra (left) and calcite encrusted fragment (right), 08/08/24
The ‘small’ bag of fragments now cleaned and dried, 08/08/24

On the way back home dropped into the Wessex Cave Club hut where I spoke to JC and collected 3no. 25 litre drums, ideal for making digging skips. It’s good to know that some of Mendip’s caving clubs still cater for and support digging! Back at home the drums were duly converted to skips ready for use to destruction in HR.

3rd August

Report by Jon

“Four members of the Team were on duty this week. Given recent road closures, they went straight to the farm. Jake, Nick and Jon were ably supported by Brockers, who remembered the key!

By way of reward for his first important contribution, Brockers was given the role of chief digger. He was backed up by Nick, who obviously became the second digger. He modified the side wall of the slope in the interests of hauling efficiency. Between them, Jon and Jake moved the spoil back to the pot. Jake was at the back, moving between the two ends of the main haul as required and consequently did most of the work.

Brockers was keen to understand the chances of finding animal bones in the dig. A matter for further discussion in the Team.

59 bags of spoil were removed.

Jake returned the key and most of the Team retired to a local hostelry for light refreshment, taking a more direct route than they should.

End report.”

Of note was the recovery of a bone fragment from the spoil heap. it had come from one of the bags filled during Saturday’s digging activities. This find required some discussion between team members. The images below were taken by Jon Riley 03/08/2024.

20th July

Vince, Jake, Brockers, Jon, Nick, Tav, and Mike

Got to the farm before the team arrived and made my way across the fields to the cave, taking care to keep one eye on the bull on the way. Safely at the cave tidied the spoil heap, added a few rocks to the wall, and packed the dry bags into bundles (x10) ready for use as the morning progressed. It was not too long to wait for Jake and Brockers to arrive (I could hear them as they walked across the field). A brief chat and they went underground to start digging at the NE extent. About 10 minutes after they had departed, the others arrived. A discussion about who was going where ensued – I was on the surface as I dug last weekend – all sorted, they ventured into the ‘abyss’. Once they got themselves organised it was not long before bags (and, infrequently, rocks) arrived ready to be hauled to the surface. The rate was steady enough to allow time to empty the bags, and add rare rocks to the wall, every now and then Jon appeared on the surface to help empty the bags too.

Hauling bags!

 And that is how the morning progressed. The weather became oppressive – warm, humid and it was not a surprise when it started to rain – quite a lot, making it very slippery on the surface around the entrance and up to the spoil heap. Fortunately, it was not too long before the team arrived on the surface. 68 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied plus some rocks. Time for the Hunter’s and some refreshments.

13th July

Vince, Jake, Tav, Brockers, Jon, and Nick

Wandered up to the cave to tidy up the spoil heap and add a few rocks to the wall before heading underground. Grabbed an unused drag tray from just below the entrance and set off to the far NE dig beyond Trick or Treat. Once there put together a haulage skip (I had bought with some lengths of rope from home) ready to try out later in the morning. That done got out the camera and took quite a few photographs  and video of the sediment deposition in this section of the cave. Jake arrived, closely followed by Tav. Digging got underway.

Pre-excavation photo of sediment deposition layering at the NE extent beyond Trick or Treat

Sediment was loosened, bags were filled, and hauled away, the drag tray worked well although its passage was eased with the occasional sprinkling of water on the slope. I was digging, Jake hauled spoil away, Tav carted the bags and very sporadic rocks across the chamber to the ‘hump’ there the spoil was shifted through the cave and out to the surface where the bags were emptied. In between bags from the NE, about half a dozen bags of spoil were coaxed out of Can of Worms. And that’s how the morning continued until it was time to stop digging and head out to the surface.

Sediment deposition along the NE passage beyond Trick or Treat, 13th July 2024

Todays total count = 76 bags filled, hauled, and emptied plus a token rock or two. To the Hunter’s!

Post-excavation photo of the dig face

6th July

Vince, Jake, Jon, Tav, Brockers, Nick

First job of the day was to liberate a large toad from the cave. As last week all our efforts were concentrated towards digging at the far NE extent of the cave beyond Trick or Treat. Jon was upfront loosening sediment and filling bags. The sediment was removed to reveal a thick false floor with another deposit of fine sediment below it. I was removing the filled bags back up the slope to Jake who transported the spoil across the chamber to the ‘hump’ where Tav dragged it through to the other side. Tav, assisted by Brockers, then shifted the bags (and occasional rocks) along to the pot where some of the spoil made it out to the surface. There was a rumour that someone or other had thought to open a Can of Worms, but this was never confirmed.

 Back at the main focus of digging, in between clearing stuff from Jon the slope was modified to enable a skip/drag tray to be employed in the future as forward progress is good. Meanwhile, Jon had strayed from the path and was going in the ‘wrong’ direction (to the ~east side) and was being influenced by an ‘open’ space in the roof above the sediment fill. It does appear to be an interesting development that requires further investigation. There is quite a lot going on at this dig at present. However, it was past midday, and the decision was made to move back and clear the cave of accumulated spoil. The count for today c.80 bags filled, hauled, and emptied plus a couple of skip loads or so of rocks for the wall.

 Glastonbury now over, the pub was reopen and it would have been churlish not to pay them a visit for the usual post-digging refreshments.

29th June

Vince, Nick. Jon, and Jake

A smaller team assembled at the farm for today’s digging session and a little earlier than usual. We changed and wandered up to the cave. There the bags had dried nicely in the recent warm spell and excess sediment still adhered was easily shaken off. The bags were bundled into randomly numbered packs usually somewhere near to twenty. All headed underground. We had decided not to open a Can of Worms this session but instead all lend support to Nick’s activity in the far NE extent beyond Trick or Treat. Nick was in his element, happily loosening the sediment and enthusiastically filling bags, on many occasions a little too enthusiastically filled! The spoil was then dragged through the cave to be temporarily stored at the bottom of the pot. a consequence of the clement weather was that the cave was drying, and the lack of lubrication resulted in more effort was required to haul the skips. Water was applied to ease the skips, but this was in short supply so could only be done sparingly. We persevered.

 As time approached midday Nick was persuaded to stop filling bags and all together, we moved back to clear the cave. Jake reported back from the surface that the clegs were arriving in “gangs of twenty” it was a good job I had refreshed the supply of insect repellent.

Eventually the cave was cleared, and the final task was to empty the bags – about 65 of them. Not all of these bags were easily relieved of their contents and required some coaxing, turning inside out and given a jolly good shaking!

 No pub today as the staff had gone to Glastonbury. Some of the team had thought to bring their own refreshments to the entrance, others went thirsty! All was good.

22nd June

Vince, Brockers, Jake, Jon, Nick, and Mike

Went up before the others arrived to get some photos of the wobbly stal at the NE end of the current digs. After photos were done made my way back out of the cave to the surface where I met up with the team. Jake made a beeline straight to the NE dig, Nick continued to open a Can of Worms, Brockers and Jon provided the support to the diggers, Mike settled in at the bottom of the entrance. I was on the surface hauling out the spoil. Managed to get some of the bags emptied – those from the NE were especially difficult to empty, when they arrived, rocks were added to the wall. When it all got too much the bags were left for later. The persistent accompaniment of buzzing flies was not welcome, and I was glad to find an insect repellent spray stuffed in a hole in a wall.

The ‘wobbly stal’ and layered sediments beyond. Image taken 22/06/2024

 Time passed and the diggers seemed reluctant to cease their activities and bring todays session to a conclusion. Eventually help arrived on the surface and the remaining bags emptied, wall extended, and a ‘count’ was made, arriving at 99 bags filled, hauled, and emptied, plus quite a few rocks including a couple of rather heavy ones!

 Refreshments at the Hunter’s were welcome, it had been a busy morning (on the surface) and warm too!

Perched rocks, possibly left behind as ice filling the passage in the Pleistocene thawed. Image taken 22/06/2024

15th June

Vince, Jake, Jon, Nick, and Tav

Went up to the cave early to add the rocks hauled out last weekend to the wall and a bit of levelling-up to create a bit more dumping space. There were not as many rocks as I had thought and soon ran out. Nothing for it but to head underground. Bundled up a pack of bags (x20) and headed off to the far NE extent. There I spent the next couple of hours or so loosening sediment and filling bags, prised a few rocks loose too. Cleaned around the ‘wobbly’ stal which is actually wobblier than expected – definitely requires some attention to secure it in place. On closer inspection, it is an interesting stalagmite in that it is a record of several growth phases (interglacials?). Need to get a good photographic record of it still in situ. The filled bags and rocks were regularly cleared away by the support team (Nick and Tav), Jake was digging in a Can of Worms with Jon in attendance there. Currently the progress in CoW is slower as digging is rather constricted – compact sediment overlies calcite flowstone.

 All too soon it was time to stop digging and head towards the surface to empty the bags (and add more rocks to the wall). Jon had carefully carried the filled bags to the spoil dump and had arranged in piles of ten for ease of counting. Unfortunately, this well laid out plan fell apart when the rest of the team acted in an ad hoc fashion and the count reverted to the bags actually hung up. Eventually, a figure of about 70 bags was arrived at plus some skip loads of rock. Satisfied with the outcome we decided to go to the pub.

THIS is levelling-up! Image taken 15th June 2024