31st January 2015

With Tav, Jake and Nick. Alex went off to do his own thing, returning later to Hallowe’en Rift to assist with the hauling out and emptying of bags.

Nick got the digging underway, while I baled out the puddles in the T Junction, Jake baled out the pot and Tav was doing the shuttle run. After a couple of dozen or so bags Nick and I swapped places. At the dig there is appears to be no obvious way on just a wide bedding plane filled with sediments, the digging effort being mostly concentrated heading north and east. Clear banding can be seen in the sediments :- uppermost is slightly pinkish red-brown silt with very few inclusions overlying yellow slightly sandy silt that has a base layer of calcited material, that requires more effort to remove, at the base is dolomitic conglomerate. This session we filled c.46 bags and a few skips of rocks, all removed to the surface and bags emptied. We got to the pub a bit later than usual.