26th September 2015

A dilemma; Hidden Earth at Churchill, looking at other peoples holiday snaps, or digging at Hallowe’en Rift – digging wins every time!

Just me and Jake today although Alex came over at the end of the session to help empty bags. My turn to dig, Jake did the clearing for a while then hauling and shuttling the bags to the entrance. The puddle in the dig is slowly getting deeper so Tav’s pump will be put into action soon. Kept digging at a higher level and extended the dig face to the eastern side. Still no sign of any airspace. There is a distinct boundary visible in the sediment the upper fill is stiff yellow-brown sandy silt and the lower fill very stiff pale red-brown sandy silt becoming more granular, it is compact in places and cemented. There are a few boulders/rock beginning to show. 30 bags were filled and removed to the surface to be emptied and hung up to dry.

Refreshments at a quiet Hunter’s.