With Jake, Nick, Brockers, Jonathon and Mike M.
After reeling in the wire, I was upfront clearing the rock and gravel back to Jon. Mike, back on the slippery slope was then transferring the spoil up to Brockers. Jake was on the haul and shuttle, Nick on the surface.
The IRS had the desired effect and the end of the rift is now suitably widened. After shifting the loose debris, spent a little time with a hammer, bar and chisel to check for fractured rock still adhered, all good for digging on the weekend.
Nick had it good on the surface, busy, but not very many bags of slop to contend with, just bags of gravel and, the occasional cobble-size stone. The count was thirty bags and quite a lot of rocks, plenty of supplies for wall building.
Satisfied with the evenings work, it was time for the Hunter’s.