Vince, Jon, Jake, Brockers, Nick, Tav, and Duncan
Morning session: Brockers digging, aided, and abetted by Nick; me and Jon were hauling the skips along the passage from the Soft South back to the entrance. Jake and Tav were on surface, they were joined later in the morning by Duncan. The filled bags were moved along the passage at a good, steady rate, the bags interspersed by lumps of rock, there was a lot of broken, detached calcite, Brockers said he “found it in the mud”. All the available bags filled (circa 100+) and rocks moved, it was lunchtime.
Afternoon session: me and Jon were digging, sharing the task of filling bags and clearing away. Some big boulders were broken up too. Most of our effort was spent tidying the trample and sediment from the current bottom of the ‘pot’ so we might get a better idea of whatever was going on here. Duncan and Tav were hauling away, Brockers and Nick on the surface hauling away the bags and emptying them. The rocks were dispatched towards Jake who was busy wall building around the spoil heap. Another circa 60 bags and a lot of rock removed from the ever-expanding chamber, and we are not really any clearer as to what is going on. There is, of course, still plenty of stuff to dig out! Happy days.