With Nick, Jake, Tav, Duncan, and Brockers
A break from tradition as last weekend was disrupted by annual winter festivities, at least that nonsense is out of the way.

Down in the deep Soft South, Nick and I were digging, although Nick hauled the spoil away leaving me to get on with digging, he, of course, managed to do some digging as well. Jake was on the slippery ledge catching the bucket, there were several occasions when he though he might join us in the pot, good job he was attached to the safety line. Tav at the junction and Duncan at the entrance were appreciative of their comfy seats. Brockers on the surface hauled up the filled bags and rocks, even found time to empty the bags, a sterling effort.
It never ceases to amaze just how much spoil has been removed over the past 12 months or so!