30th October


Packed all the kit required to go ‘rock bothering’ (drill, plugs and feathers, lump hammer, chisel), loaded Kangoo, and over the hill to Hallowe’en Rift.

Underground quickly along to Trick or Treat to satisfy my curiosity and expand the hole in the roof. It was awkward but, eventually, I was able to peer in – not sure it was worth the effort as the continuation is still constricted and to go any further would require more aggressive techniques – not really sure there would be much to gain. Leave it! With the remaining battery power set about reducing a couple of large boulders left in the chamber that have proved reluctant to succumb to sledgehammer blows. Anyway, one was reduced to manageable lumps and now suitable for wall building, just started on the second boulder before batteries were flat. Packed kit away and made my way to the surface.

On the surface, added a few rocks (from last weekend) to the spoil heap wall and then made way back to the farm and back home.