15th February

Vince, Jake, Jon, and Mike

Smaller team assembled today so options were left to ‘diggers prerogative’ – Mike chose ‘Can of Worms’!!!  

While Mike was left to get on with filling bags, the rest of us decided to shift the accumulated pile of rocks from the bottom of the pot to the entrance ready to be hauled out of the cave later with the first batch of filled bags. Conditions today meant two people were required on the surface for hauling. Jake returned underground, I stayed on the surface to add rocks to the spoil heap wall and empty the bags already on the surface before going back below. It was particularly cold, wet and miserable today both underground and on the surface, it was all rather squalid.

At about midday, a return to the surface to clear the next pile of bags and empty them (me and Jake). Jon stayed underground to help Mike move the last few bags to the entrance and these were hauled out to the surface. A total of 50 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied today, and quite a lot of rocks were added to the spoil heap wall. Very cold, wet, and miserable. Time for the Hunters’, some refreshment, and a warm by the fire!