12th October

Vince, Brockers, Jake, Jon, and Tav

As expected beyond Trick or Treat it was wet after last week’s rain. The digging effort was concentrated on the north side pf the passage to bypass the ‘bone bearing’ deposit(s) and working around a substantial boulder of conglomerate. The fill continues to comprise finer red and grey silt/clay overlying fragmented and partially degrading calcite with sand. There does not appear to be any faunal materials in this area (we will still be careful). The boulder is proving to be rather stubborn and refusing to succumb to our concerted attention. The bar bends rather than the boulder moves! More determined mechanical techniques will be required, i.e. plugs and feathers to reduce its bulk, however, that’s a job for next week.

Today, 66 bags were filled, hauled, and added to the spoil heap, plus a good quantity of rock being moved part way through the cave to be removed to the surface at another day.

Refreshments were enjoyed at the Hunters’ as usual.