With Tav. Some recent rain resulted in the cave returning to a particularly squalid state especially along Toil and Trouble – no matter. Continued to work along the left hand side and after a scrape along the right side and floor to tidy some residual spoil started barring at the packed cobbles/boulders. Then dragging the spoil back to the ‘T’ junction to load it into the skip, Tav then hauled the spoil to the bottom of Witches Cauldron where the cobbles/boulders are stacked to one side and the sediment is bagged ready to be removed to the surface at the end of the digging session. Back at the dig face it wasn’t long before things began to develop and air space was seen ahead above the sediment, ~150mm at a guess and continuing for ~3m. Before access can be gained there is a considerable amount of debris to be removed from the left side and overhead, this will improve digging by providing more space. As progress in a forward direction advances it will probably be necessary to start staging the haulage of material. The draught was also more noticeable this week and the session ended with a sense of satisfaction.
Where else but the Hunter’s?