5th September 2020

I was occupied with another excavation project this weekend, but activities in Hallowe’en Rift carried on regardless.

Jon’s report on Saturday’s dig:

“A reduced team of four diggers (Paul, Nick, Jake and Jon) attended this session, all complying the request to be prompt. In the absence of the most sage of the Elders, Paul was appointed Leader for the day.

It was a fine September morning; not hot but with warmth in the sunshine. This promoted a slight feeling of apathy within the team.

Some discussion was held about whether or not to take a drill underground to prepare some holes for a subsequent bang. With the main intention being to haul out the previous bang debris, and a limited team size, it was decided to concentrate on just clearing out.

Some discussion was then held about whether or not to take a hammer drill underground to chisel out rock loosened by the previous bang. Unfortunately, despite a very thorough search of Nick’s car, involving the entire team, an appropriate chisel was not found.

At the entrance, our Leader indicated that Nick should go to the dig face, supported by Jon. Jake was at the Aven, leaving our Leader to stack bags (and dig?) at the bottom of the slope.

The bang debris was duly removed, amounting to 21 bags and 4 loads of rocks. The team then retired to a local beer garden for light refreshment.”

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, Geologist, Speleologist