With Brockers, Nick, Jake, and Duncan
Brockers and Nick digging so a regular supply of well-filled bags was to be expected. I was on the ledge catching the hauling bucket and transferring its load to the next skip to be hauled away by Duncan positioned at the bottom of the entrance. Jake was on the surface. 10 packs (c.100 bags) were dispatched to the bottom of the pot in the deep Soft South ready to be filled, rocks were left awaiting removal at a later date.
Later in the session a request was relayed to the diggers from Jake asking that the bags were not overfilled as it was raining and the haul rope becoming increasingly slippery.
When all the bags had been filled it was time to exit the cave and return to the surface to empty them. The stream of water flowing down the entrance was clear evidence of just how wet it had become. It was rather squalid as we emptied the bags.