Vince, Brockers, Jake, Jon, Nick, Tav, and Mike
A strong team assembled at the farm, changed, and loaded up with a variety of new skips (thanks to John Cooper, Wessex CC) we made our way up to the cave. On arriving at the entrance, the drying (?) bags that were hanging up were packed away ready to be refilled, all headed off underground, except for Tav who had forgotten his caving hat and light, so he opted to be on the surface and hauling bags.
Jon set-off for the deep Soft South with Jake and Nick. Mike, initially, was hauling and shuttling along the passage to the pot. I was up on the ledge, Brockers at the bottom of the entrance. Replacement skips were installed where required and soon bags were moving through the cave at a relentless rate. When a sufficient number of bags (c.50-bags) had been hauled out of the cave, Brockers decided to go up and start emptying them, I moved back to the bottom of the entrance, Mike up on the ledge, Nick on the haul and shuttle. Jon kept on filling bags and Jake continued to clear the filled bags away. As the bags were being emptied digging was able to continue a bit longer (ceased about 12:30pm).
Final tally for the day = 130 bags filled, hauled, and emptied. All done, cave secured, back to the farm to change, then to the Hunter’s Lodge Inn for refreshments. Another fine session.

The archaeological earthworks around Hallowe’en Rift and Wookey Hole, mostly lynchets (purple) and ridge and furrow (pale blue). © Crown Copyright and database right 2023. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100024900. Historic England Aerial Investigation Mapping Data Open Access,