Vince, Jake, Jon, and Nick
A smaller team assembled at the farm for today’s activities. The prepared skips/drag-trays were taken from the shed and carried up to the cave ready for use when required. One was put to use immediately on the haul from the top of the ledge to the bottom of the entrance. The taking and storing of all the ‘skips’ underground might not have been the greatest of ideas as the cave was permeated by the pervasive aroma of the plastic drums former content – a heady “peppermint-like” essence, which according to the, just noticed, labels was not good for fishes or trees, there was some uncertainty expressed of where ‘diggers’ might fit into this categorisation. Well at least it provided a talking point throughout the session.
Two digging again – Jon, went to the far northeast reaches of Trick or Treat to continue work there. This was a [temporarily] solo effort, storing bags in situ until assistance arrived later to move the spoil accumulated. After a quick sampling of sediments (see image below), Jake opened Nick’s “Can of Worms” with Nick in close attendance removing the filled bags (and sporadic rocks), I was at the entrance hauling the spoil away and storing it in the available spaces ready for removal later in the morning/early afternoon. Later, Jake and Nick swapped places. Every now and then, the support staff went along the NE passage to clear away Jon’s pile of spoil.

It is surprising how quickly the time goes when everyone was busy, and we reached the point where digging activities were curtailed and clearance of the accumulated spoil commenced. A total of 105 bags were filled, hauled, and emptied plus a few skip-loads of rock added to the wall building pile. An extension wall to the west side of the spoil heap has been started and some of the sediment was disposed ready for use there. A very good session. Hunter’s for some refreshments before 6 Nations rugby kicks off.