Vince, Brockers and Jon
Another earlier start for me to break-up some more boulders in the bottom of the pot (Soft South) for the continuing wall extension.

Brockers was the first of the team to appear for this morning’s digging session and he promptly got on with opening a Can of Worms. It was not too long before Jon arrived completing this week’s team – 3 of us. I reduced a couple more boulders to manageable size, packed the kit away, and we hauled the rocks out of the pot and dragged them along to the bottom of the entrance. Pot cleared, I took over digging in CoW, while Brockers and Jon cleared the spoil away, getting the filled bags and rocks to the surface, and emptied the bags. And that’s how the morning proceeded at a relaxed pace – 60 bags filled, hauled, and emptied, and a good supply of wall-building material was piled up ready for use, probably tomorrow morning.
As usual, refreshments were enjoyed at the Hunter’s Lodge Inn.