18th January 2014

With Jake, Nick, Tav and Alex.

After a period of heavy rain we did not expect the cave to be any drier, we were not disappointed, the passage into Trick or Treat! has become a duck. Nick and I went off to the inclined bedding while the rest of the team shifted the pile of spoil stacked in the first chamber back to the T junction. After a short while Nick went back to join the spoil hauling while I carried on digging. Eventually I managed to get over the rock obstruction and gained access into the small blind chamber (?) where it was possible to turn over and get a better look around. The east<>west rift looks the most interesting prospect where it might be possible to gain some depth with some clearance of spoil. The cave didn’t draught today probably because of the atmospheric conditions so no help there in deciding which way to go, will need to ponder a while on the next move. We’ve gained another few metres to the length of the inclined bedding and there is still the potential for a bit more. I then went back to join the team and assist in the effort to remove the spoil out to the surface. Going out through the duck, now liquid mud, was an interesting experience. Job done it was time for refreshments.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, Geologist, Speleologist