8th November 2014

With Jake, Tav and Alex.

Tav took the first digging stint, I was at the T Junction and Jake opted for the pot. Unfortunately Alex didn’t make it underground, not feeling too good at the entrance and returned to the farm. Tav soon got into digging mode and with some ‘new’ tools to aid the task made some good progress. The dig seems to have a few more rocks within the sediment and there are a few quite large boulders appearing. After a while we swapped around and it was my turn to dig and I managed to open up a tiny hole to the left (west) that seemed to have a very feint air movement. Ahead there is another small crack the is ‘clean washed’ and it would appear that there is a change at the north end of the dig occurring. It was soon time to move back and start clearing the bags and pile of rocks from the pot out to the surface. We concentrated on the bags and left the rocks until we have a bigger team and because Jake needed to get back for a personal commitment. 26 bags were emptied on the surface and there must be a dozen or so skip loads of rocks left in the pot – another good effort! Time for the Hunter’s.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, Geologist, Speleologist