11th October 2015

With Tav, Jake and Nick.

Time to try out Tav’s recently purchased pump. We spent a little while fiddling about with that, flattening out a number of kinks in the pipe, and it worked rather well. There was a bit of slurry left in the bottom of the dig but Jake mixed it in with the drier sediment as he filled the bags. I took up position in the pot transferring the filled bags up to Tav who was on the shuttle to the entrance. Nick was on the surface hauling and emptying the bags, no doubt appreciating the liberal coating of slurry on the majority of bags and the added ingredient inside. 40 bags filled at the end and emptied on the surface, a good Sunday morning session it would be churlish not to appreciate a fine ale at the Hunter’s to end it.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, Geologist, Speleologist