24th December 2016

With Tav, Nick and Alex.

Tav down at the bottom of the rift [pot] clearing the rock debris and loading the skips to Nick who, was hauling the skips up the slope and transferring the load to the next skip. I was on the haul and shuttle, pulling the skip from Nick, loading the bags and rocks into another skip and dragging that to the entrance where Alex was on the surface waiting to haul up the spoil.

It was two and a half hours of non-stop action, there was a lot of rock shifted, Alex lost count, but the estimate was at least 80 loads, Alex even managed to get some rocks added to the wall.

At the end, it’s clear ready for the next application of rock engineering technology, hopefully, this will enable more of the sediment to be removed from the fissure and more forward progress can be achieved. It is so tantalising.

Author: mendipgeoarch

Archaeologist, Geologist, Speleologist