Vince, Nick, Jake, Brockers, Tav, and Mike
A good bright and frosty day, so much better than rain!

Down in the deep Soft South, Tav was beavering away filling bags aided by Brockers, on the other side of the hump, Jake was dispatching the filled bags along to Mike, who then transported them to the pot and hauled them up to Nick perched above on the ledge. The spoil was transferred to the next skip to be hauled away by me and stashed around the bottom of the entrance ready to be cleared later. When about 20 bags had accumulated at the entrance, Nick and I hauled them out to the surface then returned underground to clear the backlog of bags (about 30). These were then hauled out. Although it was dry on the surface today it was still wet underground, and the hauling rope soon became claggy and difficult to grip. Another backlog cleared, the time had passed midday, and it was not too long for the last filled bags to arrive. Everything up to the surface, about 80 bags emptied and hung up to dry, time to walk back down to the farm. All changed and up to the Hunter’s Lodge Inn for refreshments.