Vince, Brockers, Jake, Jon, and Mike
Jake digging in the ‘lonely’ spot at the NE extent while I was opening a ‘Can of Worms’ to the SW. the support team; Brockers, Jon, and Mike were kept fully occupied clearing away filled bags and rocks.

I had packed a drill and plugs/feathers with a plan to reduce a couple of boulders to a more manageable size. Rocks are required for the next phase of wall-building in the extension area. That done, I then got on with loosening sediment and filling bags. A productive session with a steady supply of filled bags and rocks being removed from the two dig sites. The spoil (or at least some of it) was removed to the surface and bags were emptied too.
Jake had lugged up from the shed a bag of ready-mixed mortar to carry out remedial work to the upper skip haul route. This was done when all spoil had gone beyond that stage and was mostly on the surface. The excess mortar was used to consolidate a rickety stile post on the path to the cave/farm.
About 90 bags filled, hauled, and emptied plus quite a lot of rock added to the wall-building pile. Empty bags were repacked and back underground ready for the next session.
The session was concluded with refreshments at the Hunter’s Lodge Inn as usual.