30th March

Vince, Jake, Jon, Brockers, and Mike

Mike digging at the NE extent, continued along on right side to work towards the ‘open’ spaces, reducing the hump of sediment. There is a thin crust of calcite between the ‘space’ and the sediment. Interesting. Meanwhile, in the SW, Brockers was expanding the broad dig-face in a Can of Worms. There is no obvious way ahead as yet, just a wide. Inclined bedding filled to the roof with sediment. Plenty of stuff for us to dig, probably all the way to Badger Hole! The support team – Jake, Jon, and me – worked to keep the filled bags moving freely through the cave to the surface where they were emptied into the extension area. Jake was principal bag remover, Jon did most of the hauling out to the surface and emptying bags, I was flitting about somewhere in between wherever required. All went smoothly and time passed quickly.

 Today’s bag total = 106 filled, hauled, and emptied (42 from the NE, 64 from the SW), plus a few rocks were pulled out to be added to the wall building pile ready for use (probably tomorrow).