With Brockers, Jon, Jake, and Nick
The session started with Brockers fettling the hangers to which the pot pulley is attached, he then joined Jon to dig, fill bags and haul away the spoil. I was on the ledge, catching the bucket and transferring the load to the skip, Nick was at the entrance to haul the skip along. We had decided that with a smaller team to not have someone at the junction, with some care the skip could be pulled along, there were a few spills and the areas that required more attention noted. Jake was on the surface hauling the spoil away. 40 bags plus an assortment of rocks were moved out of the cave before activities were ceased and we all returned to the surface to meet our guests.
There’s a beer about to be marketed with the name “Halloween Rift” brewed by Wookey Ale. Trevor Hughes, who has shown no interest in HR for 35 years had the cheek to contact the brewers telling how he found the cave, etc. I also sent email to point out the current situation and who is actually active at the cave, adding a link to the blog. The upshot is the brewer’s came up to meet us at the cave, Trevor turned up too, with Kate (TH had been contacted by the brewer).
Socialising put a halt to the digging all that was left to do was empty the bags and secure the cave.